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Privacy Risks of Health and Fitness Tracking Wearable

Top 6 Privacy Risks of Health and Fitness Trackers

If you use health and fitness trackers, you should be aware of the data privacy risks of using these devices. This article will provide information on how to safeguard your data effectively. A critical ethical issue surrounding health and fitness tracking wearable digital health technology revolves around the collection and storage of data. These devices, […]

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Little Debbie

Do Not Worry Little Debbie Is Not Closing Business

Little Debbie is not closing business, but there’s been a change in the game. U.S. Navy retail outlets and commissaries have ditched Little Debbie items, and Canada is currently missing out on the snack goodness. McKee Foods Corporation, the family-run bakery behind the Little Debbie name, declares that their product is off the shelves at […]

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Savvy Business Partner

 Savvy Business Partner: Speadinfo is Your Tech Partner

In the digital age, companies must seek professional, savvy business partners in today’s fast-paced, competitive business environment. Anyone wants to grow their business and maximize sales, including revenue. There are many steps at which startups give up or start thinking of outsourcing their technical operations to another business consultancy company. For this purpose, Speadinfo has […]

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