Financial Consulting

Home / Financial Consulting

With the use of reliable financial software and cutting-edge technologies like cloud, AI and ML, big data, and blockchain, financial software consulting services seek to assist businesses in achieving their ambitious business goals and driving improvements across corporate financial management operations.

Auditing financial software and offering improved advice

Speadinfo provides support in assessing the technical and financial difficulties of current financial software, designing enhancements to the financial IT ecosystem. We do audit through software-only modifications, and auditing a client’s current financial management tools and integration points. Improved security of critical financial and commercial data that financial systems contain, enhanced efficiency of the financial software market, reduced costs of existing in use financial solutions, and more are the goals of our services.


Financial software development consulting

  • Developing a financial management solution around the specific business requirements of the client.
  • Selecting the best tech stack for developing solutions.
  • Announcing a plan for integration with pertinent third-party and corporate technologies (e.g., trading platforms, financial data marketplaces).


Advanced financial technology consulting

Providing advice on how to leverage big data, blockchain, AI and ML, cloud computing, and big data to:

  • Ensure that a financial solution is highly available, scalable, and secure.
  • The automated collection and thorough examination of multidimensional financial data to forecast specific elements of the business’s financial performance.
  • Receiving insightful advice on the best course of action for various financial procedures.
  • Made financial transaction tracing easier, among other things.

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123 Street, New York, USA



+01 123 45678

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